
Demand side management in reach for every district heating network with STORM controller

District heating networks suffer from high peak demand leading to inflated operational costs. High supply and return temperatures in the distribution network can cause up to 20% of the heat to be lost.

A unique and dynamic test environment for batteries and thermal systems

Developers of products or systems powered by batteries, or of equipment for heating and cooling, for example, can turn to VITO/EnergyVille for a wide range of tests that meet all their possible questions and needs.

Heating networks: collective heating of buildings and houses

In the field of heating and cooling with heating networks, Flanders is facing a catching-up process.

Intelligent algorithms add significant value to the heat network in Paris-Saclay

The STORM District Energy Controller that uses advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) based algorithms was deployed on the district heating network in Paris-Saclay in November 2021.

Crossbreed and VITO/EnergyVille sign letter of intent for cooperation on STORM District Energy Controller

Runa acquires STORM for Chinese district heating market

VITO and NODA bring their industry-leading technology for smart control of district heating networks to the Chinese market in collaboration with Runa, a leading heating equipment manufacturer in China. 

HeatriCity in AI4Cities

VITO/Energyville was chosen as a supplier of its smart control technology for district heating networks, for the AI4Cities project.

Ennatuurlijk, making smart use of district heating networks

The fact that we cannot go on heating our homes and businesses using fossil fuels forever is no secret.

The intelligent STORM controller for district heating and cooling networks unlocks energy efficiency potential

The STORM project has successfully developed an innovative district heating and cooling network controller based on self-learning algorithms and artificial intelligence,  which was deployed and tested in two demonstration sites.

Flatten the curve and shift the energy demand with FLEXharvester/STORM District Energy Controller

Not only the extent of the energy consumption, but also the moment of consumption affects the energy bill and the greenhouse gas emissions of large customers.